Renuvo UV Curing Prepreg

Manufacturer Brand Image
SKU: PA21-5531

Renuvo + 30C/XE600/35+3%/400/2DPE


  • Biaxial and UD Material formats to enable close matching of the blade laminate
  • Excellent drape and tack through a wide temperature range
  • Suitable for use on polyester or epoxy substrates
  • Can be used in temperatures as low as +5
  • Dedicated UV source can cure Renuvo PP in 180 seconds
  • Eliminates human error when mixing, dispensing and working
  • Long out life at room temperature
  • Compatible with current top coat technology

Gurit® Renuvo Prepreg (PP) is a break through UV curing system Prepreg system, developed for repair on turbine blades. The system should be used in combination with Renuvo Multi-Purpose System (MPS) to complete structural repairs. With working temperatures as low as +5  Renuvo PP has demonstrated a practical solution to an engineering problem. For this reason, material has been formulated for both hot and cold environments. The system also eliminates the human error of mixing, dispensing and working with a more traditional wet laminating repair system. Using a dedicated UV source, the Renuvo PP is cured in 180 seconds for a leading edge repair, when used in combination with Renuvo MPS the repair can be quickly finishes without the need for secondary operations to fill and fair.